Today we’ve brought a new fun and cheap idea to help you store your little kids’ toys. Here you have a decorative and very fashionable option to store your things on outdoor toy storage.
Every day I look for new tendencies and furniture for the outside rooms of the children. Today for your little one I have focused my attention on comfortable storage, fun, light, ecological and very economic with which you can help your child keep his favorite corner in order. Every day that passes your little one brings more things at home.
However, if you do not have an outdoor shed or a garage, you may be looking for outdoor storage alternatives for holding your tools, outdoor equipment and spare parts for the home. There are a variety of outdoor storage products from home improvement stores. But you can find additional outdoor storage items from your local discount store. If building a shed outdoors or attaching a garage is not an option, consider these outdoor storage ideas.
1. Drawer Storage
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Drawer Storage |
Outdoor storage for smaller items, consider storage of sturdy plastic crate. If safety is a topic, look for drawers with a lock. Use outdoor storage drawers to organize small automotive tools, garden tools, pet supplies and other unwanted items in the home. Keep storage drawers near the house, on a back porch, on the balcony or in the garage.
2. Stackable storage
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Stackable Storage |
Another idea for inexpensive outdoor storage is to pile plastic boxes with lids. Storage boxes come in many sizes and are ideal for containing a wide variety of outdoor supplies and excess household items. Storage boxes with lids are available in clear plastic (for easy viewing of your items) and opaque plastic (to hide your items).
3. Storage of the cover
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Storage of the Cover |
If you have an outdoor deck, this content will suggest taking advantage of the space. Use the area between the deck and the floor or between the multilevel platform to store pool items, garden tools, and other outdoor items. This article also reminds readers to protect items stored from wet items, suggesting a waterproof membrane to protect items under the cover. You can also simply store plastic boxes with lids under your cover.
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Bench Storage |
A garden bench is another great outdoor toy storage product. The passage shows the benefits of having extra seats and extra storage in one unit. Aesthetic value, this smarter site suggests looking for a garden bench to match your exterior decor. For example, look for a wooden bench to match your wooden fences or a plastic colored bench to match your outdoor color scheme. Smarty house also suggests buying a waterproof garden bench with air circulation ability.